2016 Robert Steele: Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – Creating the Academy, Economy, Government, and Society of the Future

Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE): Creating the Academy, Economy, Government, and Society of the Future Robert Steele ABSTRACT I have decided to focus on the possibilities of integrating True Cost Economics, Holistic Analytics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). This concept is human-centric, rooted in advanced digital information management including new concepts for embedded intelligence …

Marcus Aurelius: OSINT Battle Rythm — the Best the US Army Can Do…. Plus DefDog Comment

Surfing the web with reservists….as published in Military Intelligence, July-September 2015. PDF (4 Pages): (U)_OSINT_Battle_Rhythm_(MIPB_Jul-Sep_15) Since the end of the Cold War, and especially over the last 10 to 12 years with the reduction of military and civilian staffs at combatant commands and national agencies, more and more “real-world” intelligence production at operational and strategic …

Stephen E. Arnold: Print – and Digital – Media Dead

Print and Digital: Both Goners I read in McPaper this article: “Wolff: Print’s Dead — but So Is Digital.” Okay, I learned from Dr. Francis Chivers (Duquesne University professor in the 1960s) that God is dead. I learned from Francis Fukuyama (assorted universities) that history is dead. Now I learn from McPaper that print and …

2017 Robert Steele: OSINT Done Right

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/2017-OSINT Robert David Steele, the founder of the modern Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) movement who is also the foremost proponent for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) and the creation of a national Open Source (Technologies) Agency, is now available via direct hire or via multiple contract vehicles in the US (including GSA and …

Robert Steele: Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies in Singularity Weblog

Human Intelligence and Open Source Technologies Robert Steele on February 1, 2016 in SingularityWeblog The current fads Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) are hot current fads. Both technologies have been a long time in gestation. The ramp-up has taken decades. The current bet – one I do not agree with – is that …