Berto Jongman: NSA “Tailored Access Operations” (TAO) — Focus on the 2% at Great Expense While Ignoring the 98% Open Access World 2.0 Refs Added

How the U.S. Government Hacks the World Michael Riley BloombergBusinessWeek, 23 May 2013 EXTRACT: The men and women who hack for the NSA belong to a secretive unit known as Tailored Access Operations. It gathers vast amounts of intelligence on terrorist financial networks, international money-laundering and drug operations, the readiness of foreign militaries, even the …

Reflections on Alternative Command & Control and Four Transformation Forcing Concepts

I have been reflecting on the past twenty years, and the remarkable resistence of the US Intelligence Community, seemingly impervious to all manner of reform recommendations, be they presidential, congressional, or public.  Reform is not transformation.  This from Dr. Russell Ackoff, a pioneer in systems thinking and reflexive practice: Reformations and transformations are not the …

4th Media: Banking = Legalized Crime Short Explanation

The Basel Committee and the Global Banking Mafia Valentin Katasonov 4th Media| Friday, May 10, 2013 The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (hereinafter – the Committee) is closely associated with supranational organisations like the Bank for International Settlements in Basel (BIS), which is often called the «club», the «headquarters» of central banks or the «Central …

Stephen E. Arnold: A Fresh Look at Big Data & Big Data (-) Human Factor (+) Transformation (+) RECAP

A Fresh Look at Big Data May 8, 2013 Next week I am doing an invited talk in London. My subject is search and Big Data. I will be digging into this notion in this month’s Honk newsletter and adding some business intelligence related comments at an Information Today conference in New York later this …

Marcus Aurelius: Manifesto on Behalf of the Second Amendment

Provided by a retired Marine colonel and apparently written by a former Servicemember and/or law enforcement officer, following is among  very best articles on Second Amendment issue that I’ve ever read.)  Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned By Barry Snell, | Posted: Friday, May 3, 2013 12:00 am Along with …