Mongoose: 20130309 Added Transcripts for Mrs. Kay Griggs Interviews — “German Disease” Across USMC & US Army Special Operations + Treason RECAP

ON GOOD GAYS AND BAD GAYS.  This is  going to be controversial.  We distinguish between normal gays who want to come out and be accepted as loving members of society, and sado-masochistic neo-Nazi gays who consider themselves above the law and desperately want to remain in the closet.  Our views are well summarized by Robert …

Berto Jongman: Peace on Earth? The Future of Armed Conflict

Peace on Earth? The future of internal armed conflict Warfare seems endemic to mankind. Nations around the world are driven by conflict. But is the impetus to war decreasing? Håvard Hegre finds statistical grounds for hope. In my view, perhaps the most evident shortcoming is that our predictions ignore the importance of political systems – …

Pierre Cloutier: Prof. Rodrigue Tremplay on Fed’s Monetary Policy of Zero Interest Rate — Combined with Inflation, Burying the US Economy

The Fed’s Monetary Policy of Zero Interest Rates “A More Than Questionable Bernanke Fed Monetary Policy.” “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their …

Theophillis Goodyear: Subprime Mortgage — Open Source Could Have Prevented, but Various Information Pathologies (Corruption of Government Being One of Them) Enabled the Fraud

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis: A Perfect Example of the Potential Benefits of Open-Source Governance in the Real World The article: The Nature and Origin of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, (San Jose State University Department of Economics) says,”The guilt for the subprime mortgage financial crisis lies both with the lenders who knowingly put borrowers into booby …