Data-Hacking the Cotton T-Shirt: True Cost (water, energy, travel, emissions, toxins, import costs, child labor, fertilizer)

Help advocate and influence in regards to the following: There is unseen information in all materials To know and grow a greater awareness about the world(s) we live in. $12 backers of this project receive one American made tee shirt + a one page research handout not available online. In January 2010 I (Jason Liszkiewicz) …

Journal: Crowdsourcing II

Commentary The Digital Meritocracy Lukas Biewald, 11.09.10, 04:00 PM EST for How crowdsourcing will change the way the world works. s the amount of digital work increases and the amount of physical work decreases, our notions of employment and work change profoundly. Digital work doesn’t require roads and factories; it requires a laptop and …

Worth a Look: Momentum Crowdsourcing for Open Source Intelligence

MOMENTUM: REAL OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE Here’s a short essay on a new software tool my team built called Momentum. It does something pretty unusual and worthy of note.  It uses crowdsourcing (by leveraging the work of 500 million users on global social networks) to make open source intelligence gathering easy.* ___________________ Here are some real …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Nancy Bordier

Nancy Bordier is the inventor of the Interactive Voter Choice System. She is a political scientist, web entrepreneur, former electoral candidate, high-tech marketing executive and university professor. Her experience in electoral politics includes a 1985 campaign on the Democratic ticket for the office of mayor of White Plains, New York. A middle class city with …