Worth a Look: Open Oil

What happens if you marry Open Source to Oil? Why don’t we use open source software development techniques in the energy industry? There’s an easy answer to that, of course. The current structure of competition is so heavily biased towards zero-sum game conceptions, between companies and between the corporate sector and host governments, that it …

Reference: 2011 FBI National Gang Threat Assessment

Preface The National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) prepared the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment (NGTA) to examine emerging gang trends and threats posed by criminal gangs to communities throughout the United States. The 2011 NGTA enhances and builds on the gang-related trends and criminal threats identified in the 2009 assessment. It supports US Department of …

John Robb: Occupy Wall Street – The Theory (An Open Source Insurgency By-Passing the US Government)

OCCUPY WALL STREET (the theory) Really simple: Occupy Wall Street is an open source protest. This type of protest has been very effective over the last year in toppling regimes in north Africa. It’s proving relatively successful in the US too. Open source protest is an organizational technique. Probably the only organizational technique that can …