Berto Jongman: McKinsey 12 Technologies Driving the Future — With Comment from Robert Steele

These 12 technologies will drive our economic future Neil Irwin Washington Post, 24 May 2013 As the chart shows, the McKinsey folks believe that the most economically significant technologies over the next decade-plus will be those already well underway in their development — the mobile Internet, largely in place in the adv Indeed, maybe the …

Neal Rauhauser: Syria, Regional War, The Only Red Line That Matters + Syria Meta-RECAP

The Only Red Line That Matters Conclusion: Here are what I hope are a fairly complete laundry list of the issues: NATO member Greece has collapsed, triggering regional banking meltdown concerns Banks of Cyprus collapsed, Russian offshore banking haven taken out by Greek troubles Russian ally Assad’s Syria is failing, loss of Tartus would exclude …

John Maguire: YouTube (15:09) Wireless Scalar Wave Demonstration — and Potential Chinese Harvesting Method – NSA is HOSED

Tesla technologies can revolutionize communications as we know them today. here is demonstrated one example where it outperforms standard electro-magnetic or transverse wave propagation. A German Electrical Engineer operating under the pseudonym TheOldScientist demonstrates the existence of Longitudinal/Scalar Waves. Classical Electromagnetic-Waves are Transverse and can be shielded through the use of a Faraday Cage. L/S Waves on the …

John Maguire: Dealing with Dirty Electricity

“Kevin Byrne discusses dirty electricity, electromagnetic fields, its adverse effects to our health and ways to mitigate the danger.” EM-Filters endorsed/used by Dr. Sam Milham and others: Dr. Milham’s site includes a plethora of source material on DE:

Gordon Duff: Concerns Over Proliferation of Intrusive Drones

Drone Nightmare, the Unseen Threat Today the Middle East and much of Africa are subject to attacks by American drones. As horrific as the drone threat may be seen today or even feared for tomorrow, the truth if far worse than ever imagined. Drones of unimagined capability are being readied for deployment with even more …