Berto Jongman: Millimeter Waves May be the Future of 5G Phones

Millimeter Waves May Be the Future of 5G Phones Samsung’s millimeter-wave transceiver technology could enable ultrafast mobile broadband by 2020 By Ariel Bleicher IEEE Spectrum, 13 Jun 2013 Clothes, cars, trains, tractors, body sensors, and tracking tags. By the end of this decade, analysts say, 50 billion things such as these will connect to mobile networks. …

John Maguire: Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen Confirms DoD Development and Use of Weather Weapons

Tom Bearden has been advising the public about Scalar-based weather-warfare for over 20 years, and he was well aware of this SoD quotation long before NaturalNews just recently picked it up.   Here is his 1997 early warning. Weather weapons have existed for over 15 years, testified U.S. Secretary of Defense Thursday, June 06, 2013 by: J. D. …

John Maguire: Eric Dollard and Tom Brown’s Classic Scalar Wave Video

For those of you more interested in understanding the basics/dynamics of Scalar/Longitudinal-Waves, and their potential applications, see description/video below. YouTube Abstract: Wireless Engineer Eric Dollard demonstrates the reality of longitudinal waves and their application to the natural transmision of electricity…The Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric wave (L.M.D.) is shown to have a propagating velocity greater than the speed …

4th Media: DPRK’s (North Korean) Nuclear “Electro Magnetic Pulse” [EMP] Bomb Could Be An Equalizer

I strongly agree with [former US CIA Director] R. James Woolsey and [a former CIA analyst and Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, an Advisory Board to Congress] Dr. Peter Vincent Pry that the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) threat to the U.S. demands our strongest attention (“How North Korea Could Cripple the …