Jean Lievens: The Rise of the Internet Dissidents — With Global Reach, Who Cannot Be Repressed

The Rise of the Internet Dissidents Manning, Snowden and Assange by NOZOMI HAYASE CounterPunch, 13 August 2013 NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s volcanic revelations of ubiquitous US surveillance are in their third month. The aftershocks felt around the world continue. As Russia granted Snowden temporary asylum, the White House fell into anger and dismay. Computer scientist Nadia Heninger argued that …

Marcus Aurelius: What Languages Does the US Intelligence Community NOT Speak? The List…..

Dated by 18 months, but still a good overview. Cash! Bonuses! for Speaking Dhivehi Posted on March 2, 2012 | Leave a comment Who exactly is spying on who, and for what? The latest Wikileaks peak into STRATFOR Emails is being described as a unique insight into some shadow CIA, while meanwhile some are worried that …

David Swanson: [17] European Parliamentarians Call for Bradley Manning’s Freedom, Condemn Equating Revelation of War Crimes with “Aiding the Enemy”

European Parliamentarians Call for Bradley Manning’s Freedom Seventeen Members of European Parliament have written a letter calling on U.S. President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to free WikiLeaks whistle-blower Army Pfc. Bradley Manning. The MEPs laud Manning for exposing “evidence of human rights abuses and apparent war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan” in accordance with …

Mini-Me: Posting a Hyper-Link is a Criminal Act SO Heineous As to Be Worthy of 105 Years in Prison?

Huh? Barrett Brown, political prisoner of the information revolution If the US government succeeds in criminalising Brown’s posting of a hyperlink, the freedom of all internet users is in jeopardy Kevin M. Gallaher Guardian, 13 July 2013 When I first noticed Barrett Brown in early 2011, I never thought that two years later I’d be …

Chuck Spinney: Insane Insider Threat Program in Context of Morally and Mentally Bankrupt US Intelligence System

Attached herewith is an essay I just wrote for Counterpunch. For you convenience  I have also attached a very important McClatchy report on the Orwellian Insider Threat Program being promoted by the Obama Administration. The lead co-author, Jonathan Landay, is one of the few mainstream reporters who has been onto the lunacy unleashed by 9-11 …

Owl: US Gestapoization News: “Insider Threat” – Name of American Internal Security Program to Spy and Report on Government Employees

US Gestapoization News: “Insider Threat” – Name of American Internal Security Program to Spy and Report on Government Employees The ever-expanding US police state is not being extended only to the civilian or private population. It’s quietly being extended to the government and military population, too, as proven by the implementation of “Insider Threat.” This …