Journal: Consumer Group Calls for Hearings on Google Relations with NSA and CIA, Google’s Global Street-Level Survey of Wi-Fi Packet Interceptability

Group Calls for Hearings Into Google’s Ties to CIA and NSA July 20, 2010 More information has emerged about Google’s relationship with the government and spook agencies (see PR Newswire below). The revelations should come as no surprise. FULL STORY ONLINE Consumer Watchdog, formerly the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights is a nonprofit, …

Design for the Other 90% Exhibit + “Micro-Giving” Global Needs Index to Connect Rich to Poor/Fullfill Global-to-Local Requests

“The majority of the world’s designers focus all their efforts on developing products and services exclusively for the richest 10% of the world’s customers. Nothing less than a revolution in design is needed to reach the other 90%.” —Dr. Paul Polak, International Development Enterprises Exhibition on view National Geographic Museum, Washington, DC through September 6, …

Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Dave Warner

Gov 2.0 Summit 09: Dave Warner, “Rapid Fire: Location, Location, Location” Dave Warner  MindTel ARCH Synergist Dave Warner is a Medical Neuroscientist and the Director of Medical Intelligence at MindTel. His interests include interventional informatics, medical communications, distributed medical intelligence, biosensors, quantitative human performance, expressional interface systems and physio-informatics. He has been engaged in …

Imagine A Pie Chart Stomping On An Infographic Forever

According to, statistical literacy is the ability to read and interpret summary statistics in the everyday media: in graphs, tables, statements, surveys and studies. Statistical literacy is needed by data consumers. The importance of statistical literacy in the Internet age is clear, but the concept is not exclusive to designers. I’d like to focus …