More Than Espionage: Open-source intelligence should be part of solution   Washington Times   January 27, 2010    Pg. B3 By Andrew M. Borene Here’s some food for thought: White House policymakers and Congress can help develop an increasingly robust national intelligence capacity by investing new money in the pursuit of a centralized open-source intelligence (OSINT) …

Search: “translators without borders” scam telelanguage fraud

This pair of searches is of concern. To the best of our knowledge, both Translators without Borders and are reputable organizations and have nothing to do with fraud or scams.  We happen to think very highly of, which among many other innovations made its software “open source” for potential future expansion.  Both of …

Journal: Europe is Reading…

NeoOpticon: the EU Security-Industrial Complex (Transnational Institute) As the title communicates. Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism Report Card (WMD Commission) Failing grade in isolation from all the more pressing threats (poverty, disease, environment). Al Qaeda Weapons of Mass Destruction Threat: Hype or Reality? (Harvard) More focus on the symptom instead of the problem (US …

Journal: Haiti Update 26 January 2010 PM

Crowds seeking aid in Haiti met with pepper spray and rubber bullets Desperate crowds have overwhelmed peacekeepers trying to deliver aid. The World Food Programme says that Port-au-Prince represents the greatest logistical challenge it has ever faced “They’re not violent, just desperate. They just want to eat,” Fernando Soares, a Brazilian army colonel, said. “The …

Reference: Indexing & Seaching Information Timeline

From Cave Paintings to the Internet A Chronological and Thematic Database on the History of Information and Media See source for sort options. Short Version: Circa 250 BCE Earliest Surviving Monolingual Dictionary 1938 H. G. Wells and the “World Brain” July 15, 1955 Eugene Garfield  Foundation of Citation Analysis 1973 Henry Small Discovery of Citation …