Mongoose: VICE – Spy Agencies are Like Old Porn

Aging porn stars….too funny. Spy Agencies Are Like Old-School Porn — But That’s Changing By Jennifer Peters at EXTRACT The traditional intelligence agencies are a lot like the old-school porn industry: they’re still trying to make and sell porn like it’s 1979, even though a lot of what they’re selling is just hanging out …

Mongoose: Charleston False Flag Indicators

Charleston has not been properly investigated. CHARLESTON CHURCH – FALSE FLAG CONSPIRACY Rita Katz who was reportedly the brains behind various fake Osama bin Laden videos. “She served in the Israeli Defense Forces.” Russ Winter writes: The original Dylann Roof photos were first tweeted by Rita Katz at 7:37 am on the 18th. ‘Arrest’ of Dylann Storm Roof: The Hoax …

CounterPunch: Robert Steele: A Fantasy On the Seventh Day — How to Fast Track Extreme Democracy in the USA

A Fantasy: On the Seventh Day DAY ONE The fat sweaty Capitol Hill policeman was in lust. The perfect babe was walking past him toward the steps of The Capitol, wearing only a T-shirt and the shortest of shorts, carrying only a cell phone and a jug. The possibilities of a wet T-shirt fully occupied …

Stephen E. Arnold: Collaborative Economy Lacks Information Access Solutions — Will Dark Web Dark Innovation Eclipse Payment Industry & “Open” Governments?

Search Left Out of the Collaborative Economy Honeycomb … I saw a post which pointed me to the Chief Digital Officer Summit and that pointed me to this page with the amazing honeycomb shown below. The title is “Collaborative Economy Honeycomb 2: Watch It Grow”   …  But what caused me to perk up and pay …

Jean Lievens: C. M. Rubin Interview Howard Rheingold on Global Search for (Digital) Education + PBI Meta

The Global Search for Education: Digital “We live in a world now where anybody can ask any question anywhere and get thousands of answers within seconds, but it is up to the questioner to determine which of those answers are legit, which are false, which are intentionally misleading.” — Howard Rheingold The literacies today: attention, …