Potters w/o Borders — Ceramic Water Filter

Potters without Borders We provide free assistance and technical advisement to develop Ceramic Water Filter (CWF) production facilities around the world. These low cost clay water filters allow families to be able to produce their own potable water and has a significant impact on their health. Tip of the Hat to JZ Liskiewicz

Reflections: Kudos to Intel – #ConflictFree Toward #TrueCost?

Intel is doing something new and useful. They have introduced a Conflict-Free Smelter Program (CFSP) to migrate toward assuring Intel consumers that its offerings are free of minerals from conflict environments — tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold are the ones they are focusing on. What Intel is doing impresses me for two reasons. First, they …

INTERVIEW: Nafeez Ahmed (The Guardian) and Robert Steele on Re-inventing Intelligence to Re-engineer Earth

NEW URL (Guardian revamping its site): The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% ORIGINAL URL: The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% – ex CIA spy The man who trained more than 66 countries in open source methods calls for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer …

Marcus Aurelius: CSA Reflects on Whole of Government Deficiencies — Military Best for Strong on Strong, Not Strong on Weak

Dempsey Wants to ‘Rebalance the Use of Military Power’ By James Kitfield Defense One, May 12, 2014 At the top of the United States military’s vast, global bureaucracy sits the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest-ranking military officer in the land and the president’s senior military advisor. The chairman sits between the four-star …