Koko: False Memory Syndrome — Mind Control, Pedophilia, and the US Court System as a Cover-Up Tool for Elite Pedophiles…

False Memory Syndrome: Mind Control and Pedophilia The False Memory Syndrome has come under fire from many over the months since pedogate/pizzagate broke. It was founded by accused pedophiles and its ‘Scientific Advisory Board’ includes an impressive number of military intelligence and MKULTRA linked doctors. Its members have been called as expert witnesses in many …

Robert Steele with Joseph Cotto: What is the Deep State, really? Includes Mossad & Pedophilia Entrapment Agent Jeffrey Epstein

‘Deep state’ gets thrown around more than a bit in political discussions these days. Just what does it mean, though? Former CIA clandestine services officer, top Amazon reviewer, author, and media commentator Robert David Steele answers a most controversial — and complex — question on this week’s ‘San Francisco Review of Books on Sunday.’