Berto Jongman: Vatican Pedophilia – 547 Boys Abused at Catholic Boarding School

547 boys were abused at Regensburg Catholic choir school Weber pointed to a “culture of silence” and placed part of the blame for the situation on the school’s former choir master Georg Ratzinger, the elder brother of former pope Benedict. As head of the choir from 1964 to 1994, Georg Ratzinger could be “blamed for …

Amazon Kindle: Pedophila & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State (Trump Revolution Book 13)

Pedophilia – including the murder of children, the drinking of their adrenalized blood, and the harvesting of their bodies for body parts and bone marrow – is both the glue that helps the elite control the Deep State, and the Achilles’ heel of the Deep State. I salute President Putin for his commitment to eradicating …

Phantom Phixer: Catholics To Rally In Prayer Against First Satanic Monument On Public Land In U.S. History – Are Pedophilia Statues Next?

Normalization of pedophilia is next…. Catholics To Rally In Prayer Against First Satanic Monument On Public Land In U.S. History  “The best way that Satan can accomplish his mission of luring souls into damnation is to erode the horror, the natural horror, that men have of the devil,” said Robert Ritchie, director of America Needs …