Review (Guest): The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State

David Bollier and Silke Helfrich (editors) We are poised between an old world that no longer works and a new one struggling to be born. Surrounded by centralized hierarchies on the one hand and predatory markets on the other, people around the world are searching for alternatives. The Wealth of the Commons explains how millions …

Bojan Radej: Complex Society in the Radical Middle

Complex Society in the Radical Middle Long Abstract – English Complex Society in Radical Middle (December 2012), Bojan Radej*, Mojca Golobič**, Mirna Macur***. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department for Landscape Planning, 240 pp. EXTRACT Society is complex because it is composed of irreconcilable constituents. As a consequence, every important social issue is evaluated conflictingly …

Marcus Aurelius: Dick Cheney Nominates Sam Nunn for Defense — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

For the record. Bloomberg Businessweek, February 18, 2013, Pg. 29 Charlie Rose Talks To Dick Cheney ‘The damage we’re doing to the Defense Department is enormous’ By Charlie Rose Someone said to me that, since you received your heart transplant last year, you’re a new man. That you’re mellow, less strident. Is this true? My …

Berto Jongman: Catholic Church — Dead or Just Comatose? + Catholic / Pedophilia RECAP

Reading between the lines is most interesting. Cardinals Size Up Potential Candidates for New Pope By LAURIE GOODSTEIN New York Times, February 16, 2013 EXTRACT “What’s going to be very key in this conclave is the person, the personality,” Monsignor Figueiredo said. “Is he a man who can really speak to the hearts of people …

Yoda: Police Murder Lt Chris Dorner, USNR(Sep)

Dark, the force is. Murder, this is. How We Kill:Christopher Dorner and the “Burner” by PETER LEE CounterPunch, Weekend Edition February 15-17, 2013 The tactics employed against Christopher Dorner by the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department are attracting an awkward amount of interest since an audiotape surfaced with law enforcement officials referring to a munition as …