Journal: Smoke, Mirrors, and Hades Burning on the Hill

This is a great example of the kind of gaming that keeps defense budgets high.  Kudos to Winslow Wheeler for smoking it out. On Dec 3, 2010, at 7:56 AM, Winslow Wheeler wrote: In a midnight switch, the Deficit Commission changed the dividing line between discretionary spending elements.  Was 050 (DOD,DOE, Misc.) versus the rest; …

Reference: American Tragedy–Another Free Ride for Pentagon

November 23, 2010 The Root Causes of the Defense Budget Mess Another Free Ride for the Pentagon? By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Counterpunch The Simpson-Bowles Deficit Commission will be reporting out its results in early December. We can expect that it will focus on domestic spending, especially entitlements, including Social Security. By the time the …

Journal: UK Defence Bottoms Up, US DoD Next…

Joe Cirincione President of Ploughshares Fund Posted: October 20, 2010 02:13 PM British Budget Collapse Foreshadows Cuts to Come in U.S. Defense Budget Great Britain’s cuts, particularly to its nuclear forces, are the canary in the defense budget mine. Just as massive deficits forced the conservative UK government to cut deep into its military programs, …

Journal: Pentagon’s Hall of Mirrors Gets a Shine

The below article in Defense News explains how, in Loren Thompson’s words, the Pentagon is trying to embark on a “very important breakthrough” in its effort to determine how much weapons “should” cost.  Thompson also expressed concern that the Pentagon does not have the right technical skills to make “should cost” happen. Thompson’s suggestion that …

Journal: Pentagon Financial System–Broken by Design

Earth to Pentagon: Follow the Freaking Money! David Isenberg, Huffington Post, 12 September 2010 Author, Shadow Force: Private Security Contractors in Iraq QUOTE FROM IG REPORT:   Early-on in the review, the staff identified one all-important, central element that is adversely affecting every facet of the OIG audit program — the DOD’s broken accounting system. This …