Journal: Denmark Ceases on Afghanistan

Afghanistan-Denmark-NATO: Today the Danish Foreign Minister said Denmark has turned down a NATO request to send F-16 fighters to Afghanistan because it believes it has done enough for the international military mission there. “We are one of the countries that contributes the most to Afghanistan,” Foreign Minister Lene Espersen told the media after a meeting …

Journal: Spinney Sends Sense on Sinners

Incompetence, Corruption or Both How the Defense Industry is Hosing Obama and the Taxpayer … Again By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Counterpunch Monastir, Tunisa On 3 March 2010, CounterPunch carried my critique of the Pentagon’s 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), which was released in February.  QDRs have a long history of producing rubbish, and President Obama’s …

Journal: New Strategy for Afghanistan? Or Just a New Naked Emperor and a 2012 Bow Wave?

The  report of Damian McElroy in the Telegraph [UK] describes General Petraeus new strategy for Afghanistan.  It will be have a broad emphasis on counterinsurgency, like McChrystal’s strategy, but McElroy highlighted the following (presumed) differences or distinguishing features: Recognition that Taliban defections are crucial to achieving goal of ending war in 4 yrs (2014). … Observation: …

Journal: OUT OF CONTROL–The Demise of Responsible Government “Intelligence” II

Admin Threatens Veto Over GAO Role in Intel Oversight March 17th, 2010 by Steven Aftergood One of the simplest, most effective ways to strengthen congressional oversight of intelligence would be for Congress to make increased use of specially cleared investigators from the Government Accountability Office.  This is such a straightforward step towards improving oversight that …