Owl: 9/11 Disclosures – Throwing the Saudis Under the Bus to Protect Israel and the Neo-Cons

9-11 organization in a nut-shell: Israelis: did all the planning with neocon and Zionist collaborators in NYC & DC; selected and managed Arab patsies, over-all technical preparations; Saudis: bankrolled the operation after Dick Cheney signed off on 9/11 and asked them to do so; American rogue military elements, including contract personnel: provided technology and expertise …

Steven Aftergood: US Aid to Israel $124.3 Billion — to Palestine $5 Billion

US Foreign Aid to Israel (Congressional Research Service, 10 June 2015) Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $124.3 billion(current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. US Foreign Aid to the Palestinians (Congressional Research Service, 18 March 2016) Since the …

Antechinus: McGraw-Hill Censors Map of Israel’s History

McGraw-Hill Map Censors Map of Israel’s History In March 2016 executives at McGraw-Hill took the extreme step of withdrew a published text from the market and then proceeded to destroy all the remaining books held in inventory. The book “Global Politics: Engaging a Complex World” contained a series of four maps that show “Palestinian loss …

Mongoose: Is Israel Uniting Muslims Against Apartheid of Palestinians?

Indonesia Leader Calls on Muslim World to Unite on Palestine Indonesia’s president on Monday urged a summit of Muslim nations to be part of the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict rather than part of the problem. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, who heads the most populous Muslim nation, said the entire world is concerned by the …

Chuck Spinney: Israel Takes More Land and Water from Palestinians

Kudos to Haaretz for its integrity. Palestinian villagers tilled their land so well, Israel is now confiscating it from them The separation barrier will cut residents of Al-Walaja from their lands by the end of the year; the beauty of the terraces they cultivated for decades was used as one of the main reasons for …