Fascinating Video (Brief) Overview of pre & post September 11, 2001 Circumstances + Two Part Radio Series on 9/11 Commission

Part One Part Two Multiple language transcription/subtitles are needed for videos like this.  For more extensive videos related to 9/11, download this link table. –     –     –     –     –     –     –     –     –     –     –     –     – Related: Expert Witness Radio with Mike Levine says these are the most …

Journal: Strong Signals–Las Vegas as Next 9/11

Monday, December 28, 2009 SPOOK’S JOURNAL Nine of the ten largest hotels in the world are in Las Vegas. Four of them share one intersection: Las Vegas Boulevard (The Strip) and Tropicana Avenue. Together, these four corners comprise 12,953 rooms, most of which enjoy high occupancy year-round and are often full. Figure 25,000 people huddled …

Journal: Weak Signals–Death of Osama Bin Laden & 9/11

Special Report: YEARS OF DECEIT: US OPENLY ACCEPTS BIN LADEN LONG DEAD BIN LADEN NEVER MENTIONED IN McCHRYSTAL REPORT OR OBAMA SPEECH “HUNT FOR BIN LADEN” A NATIONAL SHAME By Gordon Duff/STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor Conservative commentator, former Marine Colonel Bob Pappas has been saying for years that bin Laden died at Tora Bora and that …