Bojan Radej: Social Complexity as Threat

Abstract: Society is complex ‘mesocosm’ (Plato). Concept of social complexity is developed from a cross comparison between simple, systemic, chaotic and evolutionary thinking. The most rudimentary category of social complexity is incommensurability of social issues because of their incompatible valuations in vertical and horizontal direction. These two orthogonally organised axes obtain us with Cartesian frame …

Answers: Robert Steele to Kevjn Lim on Big Data

Kevjn Lim is an independent writer and Middle East foreign policy analyst at Open Briefing: The Civil Society Intelligence Agency. In the latter half of 2013, he was Turkey representative for the Syria Needs Analysis Project (SNAP), covering the Syrian crisis in the northern governorates and Turkey. From 2007-2011, he served as delegate with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in …

Review: Analytics in a Big Data World – The Essential Guide to Data Science and Its Applications

Bart Baesens 5.0 out of 5 stars Superb Overview of Analytic Applications — Focused on Consumer, Contains Math, May 22, 2014 Bottom line up front: a superb book and a truly great overview that is easily understandable to me except for the fraction of the book that is math. Right away I like the structure …

Chuck Spinney: Michael Hudson on The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit

Long but well worth reading and thinking about. CS   The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit Michael Hudson [1] Posted on, 12 May 2014 Michael Hudson is Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City, and former Professor of Economics and Director of Economic Research at the Latvia Graduate School of Law. …

Richard Stallman: FSF condemns partnership between Mozilla and Adobe to support Digital Restrictions Management

FSF condemns partnership between Mozilla and Adobe to support Digital Restrictions Management BOSTON, Massachusetts, USA — Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 — In response to Mozilla’s announcement that it is reluctantly adopting DRM in its Firefox Web browser, Free Software Foundation executive director John Sullivan made the following statement: “Only a week after the International Day …

Howard Rheingold: Brain Pays Attention — AND Manages Exclusion of Distractions

Empirical research on the neural correlates of attention is revealing a multi-functional system by which we balance the center of attention with the periphery, focus and scanning, allowing and suppressing attention to input. For students and those who are beginning to train their online infotention, it begins with strengthening the ability to ignore distractions. However, …