Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Stress at Both Ends of the Lens

Big Data Stress at Both Ends of the Lens An interesting article at the New Inquiry looks at the psychological effects of both surveying and being surveyed in the modern, data-driven world. It’s an interesting read, and I urge the curious to check out the whole piece. Writer Kate Crawford begins with ways intelligence agencies …

CRS Reference: Cybersecurity Authoritative Reports and Resources by Topic

Cybersecurity: Authoritative Reports and Resources, by Topic Rita Tehan, Information Research Specialist Congressional Research Service, May 22, 2014 This report provides references to analytical reports on cybersecurity from CRS, other government agencies, trade associations, and interest groups. The reports and related websites are grouped under the following cybersecurity topics: • policy overview • National Strategy …

Jean Lievens: Could decentralized networks help save democracy?

Could decentralized networks help save democracy? Democratic movements can flourish online, but just as easily get censored. A group of researchers is developing solutions to the vulnerabilities and privacy problems with using big social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan disrupted communications between his opponents when he shut down Twitter …

Penguin: It’s Official – NSA Puts Zionist Israel Ahead of USA, Compromises Official US Government Communications in Favor of Zion

New Snowden Document Implies NSA May Be Putting Israel’s Security Ahead of America’s Why Is the NSA Putting Israel First? The following leaked slide from Edward Snowden was released today by Glenn Greenwald in his new book, No Place to Hide: If you can’t read the slide, it says: Balancing the SIGINT exchange equally between …