Barack Obama: $400K for One Speech — What’s Not to Like?

What’s not to like? Cleanest bribe I ever took….and if you really think I ever represented anyone other than the Deep State, you are exactly the seriously stupid kind of person the Democratic Party loves to have in its base…. Obama’s $400G Wall Street speech leaves liberal base stunned “Even if he donates the money …

Garth Porter: US Deep State Uses War as a Profit Center

US ‘deep state’ sold out counter-terrorism to keep itself in business The whole war on terrorism has been, in effect, a bait-and-switch operation from the beginning. The idea that US military operations were somehow going to make America safer after the 9/11 attacks was the bait. What has actually happened ever since then, however, is …

Mongoose: American Center for Law and Justice Declares War on US Deep State

War declared on ‘deep state’ political agenda ‘This goes far beyond incidental surveillance. This was spying on political enemies’ The powerful public interest legal firm American Center for Law and Justice is declaring war on the “deep state,” comprised of entrenched bureaucrats who apparently are using their position and power to try to undermine the president.