Stephen E. Arnold: Roubini Trashes Crypto…

Jason Bloomberg writing in Forbes. ‘Dr. Doom’ Economist Nouriel Roubini Bearish On Everything Crypto Economist and New York University professor Nouriel Roubini is perhaps best known for calling the 2008 financial crisis in a series of articles and presentations starting in 2006. However, Roubini is no one trick pony – his research on emerging markets …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon and Special Data — PBI: The Future of Financial Fraud?

Amazon and Special Data Amazon Web Services is ubiquitous with cloud computing and big data power. We all know dozens of companies use these tools, but until recently it was all a little hazy as to who was and how. But, a Silicon Angle gives us some tea leaves to read. According to the story, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Factoids — Dark Web, Child Porn, Lost Time…

Factualities: Believe Them or Not Posted: 31 Jul 2018 06:03 PM PDT Factualities quantify our online world. Today’s data: 80 percent of Dark Web visits relate to child porn. Source: Wired When organizations do not restrict any internet activity, over half of employees (58 percent) spend at least four hours per week, on Web sites …

Stephen E. Arnold: China Challenging Loser Silicon Valley

China Senses Silicon Valley Weakness: The Art of Digital War in Action In the early 2000s, China was referred to as the “sleeping dragon,” because it was believed the Middle Kingdom would overtake the US as the world’s top economic power. It did not happen. China still remains a major economic powerhouse, but instead of …

Stephen E. Arnold: Quantum Hype, Quantum Issues with Comment by William Binney

THE HYPE: Tomorrow’s Quantum Computers Are Already Threatening Today’s Data (DefenseOne) MY COMMENTS: Quantum computing is an active research field. Physicists, electrical engineers, programmers, venture capital firms, and manufacturers of exotic instruments are wetting their pants for the next big thing in computing. When money is at stake or available, hyperbole is a “quantum” side effect. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Advertising — Finally Burying Google?

Amazon Wake Up Call Arrives Late I read “Jeff Bezos and Amazon Have the Adveretising Industry Looking over Its Shoulder.” In my mind, the dusty alarm clock has emitted a “ringy dingy.” But some appear to have overslept.   . . .   CNBC reports: Amazon has what many in the advertising industry regard as the most …