Robert Garigue & Robert Steele: From Old IO to New IO

Old Information Operations (IO) is too focused on the “Maginot Line” of legacy technology badly integrated and poorly understood.  New Information Operations (IO) is the “Maneuver Warfare” of the Information Age.  The integrity is in the user and data, not the system. Truth & trust rather than deception & jamming are the primordal enablers. This …

Robert Garigue: Feedback for Dynamic System Change

Information security is not a static process–you cannot “lock down” information the way the Air Force has tried to do, prohibiting all flash drives because it has failed over decades to actually embed security in every aspect of the process from human to download alerts.  Interactive feedback loops are simple and effective.  Winn Schwartau pioneered …

Robert Garigue: Information Security MANDATE

Core Point:  Information Security must enable both risk and advance–for example, M4IS2 (multinational, multiagency, multidisciplinary, multidomain information-sharing and sense-making).  Today cyber-security is an OBSTACLE to progress because it is, in one word, retarded–in two-words, risk-averse rather than risk-bounding. See Also: Robert Garigue, “Technical Preface” to Book Three Robert Garigue, CISO Briefing

Robert Garigue: Structuring Risks (Role of Security)

Credited by Robert Garigue to Gabe Davids of EDS. Core Point:  Done properly, security enables MORE risk-taking, allows one to do MORE with LESS.  In other words, cyber-security policies that are risk-averse instead of risk-enabling are, in a word, retarded and retard the enterprise.  Case in point: Wikileaks leading to no more flash drives–what SHOULD …

Journal: US Public Health InfoTech NOT….

Public Health Information Technology: Additional Strategic Planning Needed to Guide HHS’s Efforts to Establish Electronic Situational Awareness Capabilities GAO-11-99 December 17, 2010 A catastrophic public health event could threaten our national security and cause hundreds of thousands of casualties. Recognizing the need for efficient sharing of real-time information to help prevent devastating consequences of public …

Journal: CIA WikiLeaks Task Force (aka WTF, One Down From REMF)

CIA launches task force to assess impact of U.S. cables’ exposure by WikiLeaks By Greg Miller Wednesday, December 22, 2010; 12:24 AM The CIA has launched a task force to assess the impact of the exposure of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables and military files by WikiLeaks. Officially, the panel is called the WikiLeaks Task …