Chuck Spinney: The Afghanistan Exit – Looting the Useful Idiots to the Bitter End

When Alexander the Great decided to leave Afghanistan, his plan was to exit via the Khyber Pass and march though what is now Pakistan and thence into India. But the Khyber was blocked by a warring Pashtun tribe. Legend has it that Alex’s exit strategy was to bribe another Pashtun tribe to open the door …

Chuck Spinney: US Continues to be Clueless on AF Cultural – Tribal Intelligence – Karzai Brothers a Replay of Ngo Dinh Diem & Madame Nhu

In my last Blaster, I discussed the deficiencies of the Washington Post puff piece on the Obama/Allen triage strategy for exiting Afghanistan. One of the points mentioned was that the NATO/US commander, Marine general John Allen is a student of military history and that he was working to avoid the mistakes the Soviet Union made …

Chuck Spinney: Neo-Liberalism Actually Neo-Serfdom

One of the pillars of the neo-liberal economic policies adopted by Republicans and Democrats alike in the UK and the US is privatization of government services on the theory that free market pressures will generate greater economic efficiencies.  The UK is a case study of how neo-liberal privatization policies promoted by Thatcher, Blair, and Cameron, …

Chuck Spinney: Why Doesn’t Spain Understand that Integrity is Priceless?

One of core component’s of the neoliberal agenda is privatization of state assets.  Attached is one countries reaction to the inequalities and economic distortions privatization introduces. CS Afloat in the Mediterranean Piracy as good policy by Serge Halimi Le Monde Diplomatique, 1 May, 2012 The head of state, confident after electoral victory, tells the governor …

Chuck Spinney: US Senate Notices Next Atomic Disaster in Japan

Warning Signs for the US Why Fukushima is a Greater Disaster Than Chernobyl by ROBERT ALVAREZ, Counterpunch, APRIL 24, 2012 In the aftermath of the world’s worst nuclear power disaster, the news media is just beginning to grasp that the dangers to Japan and the rest of the world posed by the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site are …

Chuck Spinney: Open Science or Corrupt Science?

Add to this idea a more open “peer review” process in place of the present obscure, back-scratching, club-based peer review process, and climate science might be well on its way to depoliticization. Open access will be crucial to maintain public confidence in science Making research papers freely available is about much more than breaking the …