Worth a Look: “Liberation Technology”

Program on Liberation Technology (Stanford University, California) Liberation Technology Newsletter (Winter 2010, Stanford University, California) Liberation Technology International Research (Stanford University, California) Seminar on Technology for Developing Regions (Stanford University, California) Designing Liberation Technologies (Stanford University, California) Technology of Liberation?  Activists Get Their Own Smartphone (Huffington Post) Liberation Technology and Digital Activism (Meta-Activism Project) Is …

Reference: Five Golden Rules for Data-Based Decisions

Rule 1: Understand the goals and expected outcomes of end-user information requirements Rule 2: Remove spreadsheet based reporting Rule 3: Establish a data quality competency centre Rule 4: Unlock your enterprise from the transaction-based application for reporting needs Rule 5: Get the analysis of your data done in-house Phi Beta Iota: CEO Mehta personifies integrity …

Reference: Knowledge Management Elements

Knowledge Management Specialties By Stan Garfield (Twitter: @stangarfield) – Revised September 1, 2010 The field of knowledge management includes a wide variety of components and disciplines.  Here is a list of 25 specialties practiced by those in the field, followed by Tara Pangakis list of 50 KM components across people, processes, and technologies. Sharing, culture, …

Hyperlink-Notes on the Future of Education (and the future is now) from Bits to Bots

There are differences between “learning” and “education,” but hopefully more people can be inspired to blur the two further than we currently see happening. Open Courseware, Audio and Video: Open Courseware Consortium M.I.T. Open Courseware M.I.T. open courseware YouTube channel List of courses by subject (May 2007) The University of Chicago on iTunes U, University …


Engineering for Change is an online environment bringing together engineers and other problem solvers with NGOs and local communities to address basic quality of life issues such as access to clean water, electricity and proper sanitation. Also see their Twitter feed Related: + Engineers Without Borders + Architecture4Humanity + Open Architecture Network + Entrepreneurial Design …

Video on “Technological Disobedience,” Inventing to Survive and Liberate

The Technological Disobedience of Ernesto Oroza: In Isolated Cuba, Inventing to Survive In 1991, Cuba’s economy began to implode. “The Special Period in the Time of Peace” was the government’s euphemism for what was a culmination of 30 years worth of isolation. It began in the 60s, with engineers leaving Cuba for the Unites States, …