
This is the primary point of access to Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog (over 80 contributors curated by Robert Steele) and the Journal (in gestation). Our present daily practice is to load between five and ten items a day, and to send to each subscriber (no cost) an end of day email listing …

Who’s Who in Librarian Intelligence: Arno Reuser

Arno Reuser is one of the handful of multinational kindred spirits who created the international Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) movement that kicked off in 1992 and is now morphing into Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2). When InterNET is InterNOT (2008) Virtual Open Source Agency (2006) Librarian Tradecraft (2003)

Review: Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World

Some Warts But If You Buy Only One Book, Try This One…. September 3, 2009 Harrison Owen The author (developer of the modern Open Space Technology) that revives the Native American open circle)  tells us the book will inevitably be a repetition of his past books in different form, but I do not deduct for …

Review: Conscious Globalism: What’s Wrong with the World and How to Fix It

Righteous, Not as Deep As Some, Great Overview September 3, 2009 David Schwerin This book is a logical follow-on to the author’s earlier book, Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity, a book that is doing very very well in Chinese translations. Early on he points out that we need to achieve a global change in consciousness, …

Journal: Government Information Policy & Security Not Favoring the Public

EDITORIAL: Invasion of medical privacy Personal information is up for grabs with government health care Privacy rights are under threat in the House’s government health care plan. While plowing through the more than 1,000-page Democratic House bill, Declan McCullagh of CBS News uncovered provisions that would allow startling privacy intrusions. The innermost secrets of people’s …