Steven Aftergood: CRS on Global Democracy, USA a Flawed Democracy

DEMOCRACY IN DECLINE? Democracy as a political system has not advanced around the world in the past decade and by some measures it has actually declined, a new report from the Congressional Research Service observes. The obstacles are not all located abroad. Unlike its predecessors, the Trump Administration does not include democracy promotion as part …

Steven Aftergood: It Is Official: Federal Government Can Lie in Budget Statements

Accounting Board Okays Deceptive Budget Practices Government agencies may remove or omit budget information from their public financial statements and may present expenditures that are associated with one budget line item as if they were associated with another line item in order to protect classified information, the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board concluded last week. …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Federalism-Based Limitations on Congressional Power – An Overview

Federalism-Based Limitations on Congressional Power: An Overview The U.S. Constitution establishes a system of dual sovereignty between the states and the federal government, with each state having its own government, endowed with all the functions essential to separate and independent existence. Although the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution designates “the Laws of the United States” …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Supreme Court Overruling Constitutional Precedents

OVERRULING CONSTITUTIONAL PRECEDENTS, & MORE FROM CRS A new report from the Congressional Research Service examines how and why the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn one of its own rulings interpreting the Constitution. There are at least 141 cases where such rulings have in fact been overturned, including three in the Court’s latest term, and …

Steven Aftergood: Army Admits Intelligence Sucks

ARMY NEEDS INTELLIGENCE TO FACE “PEER THREATS” U.S. Army operations increasingly depend on intelligence to help confront adversaries who are themselves highly competent, the Army said this week in a newly updated publication on military intelligence. Future operations “will occur in complex operational environments against capable peer threats, who most likely will start from positions …

Steven Aftergood: CRS: Space Forces Must Be Approved and Funded by Congress PBI: Existing Secret Space Forces are Unconstitutional

The Congressional Research Service says that, as a constitutional matter, it will be up to Congress to determine whether and how to reorganize the management of US national security assets in space, and whether to establish a new “space force,” as the Trump Administration has proposed. “The constitutional framework appears to contemplate that the role …

Steven Aftergood: The Aging Secrecy System is Unsustainable — Hamstrung by Old Pratices and Outdated Technology (To Which We Would Add Corruption and Greed Favoring Secret Waste Over Open Source Value)

THE AGING SECRECY SYSTEM IS “AT A CROSSROADS” Today’s national security classification system is unsustainable, says a new annual report to the President from the government’s Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). It is “hamstrung by old practices and outdated technology” and a new, government-wide technology strategy will be required “to combat inaccurate classification and promote …