Bill Gates: “I Had No Clue — Boy Was I Naive” — $1 Billion Down the Drain — Along with Money from Bloomberg, Rubenstein, Stayer, and Zuckerman….

Gates’ ‘Grand Challenges’ result in few payoffs Bill Gates used the word “naive” — four times — to describe himself and his charitable foundation. It was a surprising admission coming from the world’s richest man. But the Microsoft co-founder seemed humbled that, despite an investment of $1 billion, none of the projects funded under the …

Gordon Duff: Allegations Against Bloomberg (Media) as Israeli PSYOP Outlet

Bloomberg [Media] Caught in “Psyop” Treason Bloomberg [Media] plays hoax against Obama A bizarre Bloomberg story, citing what was represented to be one of the biggest intelligence leaks in US history, hit during the G8 conference and the critical meetings between US President Obama and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. The purpose of the story …

Stephen E. Arnold: Bloomberg Exposed for Surveillance & Two-Way Exploitation of All Bloomberg Terminals

Bloomberg and Alleged Two Way Systems Just a small thing, the Bloomberg privacy breach allegations. There are far weightier matters in search; for example, are evaluations and ratings of search vendors objective? Someone on the LinkedIn Enterprise Search Engine Professional Group even raised the possibility that vendors “pay” for coverage in some consultants’ evaluations of …

Penguin: Commercial Co-Optation (Corruption) of Civil Rights & Non-Profits Across USA — and Mayor Bloomberg Did the Right Thing?

This trend is about to continue and we can expect more and more technological solutions that are tailored to the HLS needs. In many cases the industries, especially in Israel, “teach” the market what it needs. This may look a twisted process, but it is not. On the contrary, This is a very healthy trend …

Lou Dobbs: Bloomberg “Talk to the Hand” and Obama/Panetta Fail to Perform — Where are the GP Tents with Heaters, the Field Kitchens, the Medical Triage?

Speaking on Fox News today Lou Dobbs blasted the Obama Administration and Mayor “Talk to the Hand” Bloomberg.  While he exaggerates in relation to Katrina and Bush being blasted (Sandy is 40,000 displaced persons, Katrina was 700,000), he does make the obvious point upon which we elaborate–where is the US military with General Purpose (GP) …

John Steiner: Michael Bloomberg Super-PAC – Fourth Ring in the Bloomber Circus

Bloomberg Starts ‘Super PAC,’ Seeking National Influence Seeking to reshape a national political debate he finds frustratingly superficial, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York is plunging into the 2012 campaign in its final weeks, creating his own “super PAC” to direct millions of dollars in donations to elect candidates from both parties who he …