Pierre Cloutier: Rodrigue Tremblay on Congressional Abdication, US Financial Default — Lies, Fears, and The Chicago Plan Option — Save the Country, Screw the Banks

The U.S. Congress: From One Crisis to Another Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay GlobalResearch, 5 February 2013 One crisis averted, three to come! Indeed, that’s what can be said after the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation on January 23, 2013, to suspend the government’s statutory borrowing limit for three months. In fact, the cycle of artificially …

David Issenberg: Toxic Contractor Activities DoD Turns Blind Eye – Who’s Accountable? Fast Forward to Fukushima Approaching on a Tsunami of Official Lies and Misdirection

Burn, Baby, Burn Huffington Post, 4 Sep 2012 Remember when rioters in Watts, Calif., began shouting “Burn, Baby! BURN!” in the turmoil of 1965? I’m sure they didn’t have the following future in mind. That would be the various lawsuits against KBR for operating burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. But we should all be …

Mini-Me: Doug Naquin Lies to Associated Press + RECAP

Open Source Center created at suggestion of the 9/11 Commission? Really? AP Exclusive: Who’s following you on Twitter or Facebook? Maybe CIA’s ‘vengeful librarians’ By Associated Press, Friday, November 4 Phi Beta Iota:  Evidently AP does not do its homework and takes Doug Naquin’s crap at face value.  The Open Source Center was not created at …

Koko: Politicians, Taxes, Lies, and Corruption

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices… 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country 545 vs. 300,000,000 People -By Charlie Reese Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then …

Mongoose: Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment

Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder. The witness, who has a documented history with sociopathy and has received several convictions for sexual abuse of …