Cynthia McKinney: Wes Clark on US Foreign Policy Coup

A remarkable talk by Wesley Clark–4-Star General in the U.S. military:  he reveals his reaction to informaton that the U.S.was going to attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in 5 years–Iraq, Syria,Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran. He goes on to say, “These people [from the Project for a New American Century] took control …

DefDog: Imperial Hijacking of the Libyan Civil War a Threat

Another mired endeavor, while Syria, Yemen, Somalia are waiting in the wings….. Libya’s imperial hijacking is a threat to the Arab revolution Only when those who fought Gaddafi force Nato to leave will Libyans be able to take control of their country Read  full article…. See Also: Cynthia McKinney: Libya Round-Up 23 August 2011 Search: …

Chuck Spinney: Libya, Rebels, & the West–A Debacle

Note:  the author of this important report is one of best journalists covering the wars of Western intervention in the Islamic world. CS August 1, 2011 Follow the Oil and the Money Why the West is Committed to the Murderous Rebels in Libya By PATRICK COCKBURN, Counterpunch In keeping with the British Government’s well-established record …

Cynthia McKinney: Obama Conniving, Gaddafi Speech

Obama’s secret plan to spin his Libyan misadventure Senior Congressional sources in Washington have disclosed to The Mail on Sunday that President Obama has told the Libyan rebels through intermediaries that a condition of continued support from the US is that they must hand over Megrahi if they enter Tripoli. Brother Leader Muammar Qadhafi’s Speech …

Cynthia McKinney: Media Contrived Fog of War

Coy’s article was edited; this is the edited version that appears in PolyMic. Media Fog of War Coy McKinney An embedded reporter snaps war footage. The U.S. military-industrial complex and media work together to propagate the agenda of government. NATO’s decision to intervene in Libya on humanitarian grounds has become an alarming and revealing assessment …