Bill Lind: 4th Generation Warfare is Alive and Well — And Washington is Still Deaf, Dumb, and Blined

4GW is Alive and Well William S. Lind 25 May 2013 So “the world simply didn’t develop along the lines it (4GW) proposed”? How do you say that in Syriac? The basic error in Chet Richards’ piece of April 19, “Is 4GW dead?” is confusing the external and internal worlds. Internally, in the U.S. military and …

SchwartzReport: Bill Moyers and Former FCC Commissioner — Big Media Dumbs Down Democracy, Internet at Very Beginning of Its Possibilities

Former FCC Commissioner: Big Media Dumbs Down Democracy By Bill Moyers, Moyers & Company 05 December 12 EXTRACT 1: Moyers: The argument we hear in rebuttal is “Well look, we don’t have to worry about monopoly today, we don’t have to worry about cartels today, because we have the Internet, which is the most democratic …

Vernon Loeb on Paula Broadwell and the Book — Dumbfounded!

  Exclusive: Petraeus biography ghostwriter breaks silence Post local editor Vernon Loeb, who ghostwrote Paula Broadwell’s David Petraeus biography, offers his impressions of Broadwell and thoughts on the scandal. The one question I never answered was why General Patraeus was granting such extraordinary access to a reporter.  She was the only one with access to …

Marcus Aurelius: Denial, Delusional, or Just Dumb?

This and that. What’s Wrong With Washington How much are voters to blame? Polarization  ..  Permanent campaign  ..  Citizen shortcomings  ..  Dysfunction by design  ..  Special interests A bleak look at America’s future David Ignatius on Global Trends 2030 (to be released after November 2012) US military a prime ‘target’ for home-grown terrorists The US …