Smart Planet: Fukushima Now a Global Disaster

Fukushima nuclear disaster now global environmental problem The Japanese government has asked for help — but is the plea two years too late? Despite previous assurances, the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster continues to contaminate the world’s oceans — and the Japanese government is finally asking for international help. The March 2011 power plant meltdown …

John Steiner: The World Community Must Take Charge at Fukushima

The World Community Must Take Charge at Fukushima By Harvey Wasserman (Contact) To be delivered to: Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General, United Nations and Barack Obama, President, United States of America Petition Statement At Fukushima Unit 4, the impending removal of hugely radioactive spent fuel rods from a pool 100 feet in the air presents unparalleled scientific …

David Swanson: Harvey Wasserman on Fukushima’s Coming Mega Meltdown

The Crisis at Fukushima 4 Demands a Global Take-Over By Harvey Wasserman, We are now within two months of what may be humankind’s most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis. There is no excuse for not acting. All the resources our species can muster must be focussed on the fuel pool at Fukushima …

SmartPlanet: Fukushima Worse Than Ever, Japan Rates a “3” in Risk Severity

Japan nuclear crisis at its worst since 2011   Kyodo reports that 300 tons of radioactive water have leaked from a 1,000 ton tank at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. That led Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority to consider raising the incident from a Level 1 nuclear event to a Level 3 (a “serious incident” …

Penguin: 4th Media on Fukushima – NIGHTMARE Gets Worse!

The News is Bad: The Fukushima Nightmare Gets Worse Just when it seemed things might be under control at Fukushima, we find they are worse than ever. Immeasurably worse. Massive quantities of radioactive liquids are now flowing through the shattered reactor site into the Pacific Ocean. And their make-up is far more lethal than the …