Journal: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’s Preemptive Damage Control [Manipulation of Anticipated Negative Information]

By Robert Haddick August 2009 After appointing Gen. Stanley McChrystal the new commander in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates gave him two months to write an analysis of the situation there in yet another review of U.S. strategy. But after rumors leaked out that McChrystal would ask for another increase in U.S. troops, it appears …

1995 Bender (US) The Information Highway: Will Librarians Be Left by the Side of the Road?

In 1986, Project GEORGE (Smiley) in the CIA’s Office of Information Technology discovered that computers had been designed without ever talking to librarians.  There were created as unstructured bit buckets.  It turns out that in the analog period, structure and the Dewey decimal system and humanly-constructed taxonomies were vitally important if one was to archive …

Review: The System – Who Rigged It, How We Fix It by Robert B. Reich

3 Stars — Corrupt, Deceptive, Mediocre This is a very corrupt and deceptive book, a mediocre book, that suggests that greedy Wall Street bankers are  to blame for everything including the corruption (no mention of blackmail) of politicians who serve the 1% and screw the 99% with impunity. The author will make quite a bit …

Robert Steele: Christian Collectivism, Anti-Fragile Localization — A Second American Revolution?

SHORT URL: I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about how to resurrect America the Beautiful.  My reading on the goodness of America the Beautiful is bracketed on one end by Kevin O’Keefe’s The Average American–The Extraordinary Search for the Nation’s Most Ordinary Citizen and most recently by the gloriously uplifting book by …