Ty Simpson: USG Acknowledgess Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

Government-Run Cancer Institute Quietly Acknowledges That Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells The National Cancer Institute is an organization mandated by U.S. law to educate Americans about cancer and the latest research efforts. According to its website, NCI is touted as “the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research.” And recently, it quietly admitted that cancer cells …

Yoda: Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Indigenous Knowledge Systems / Alaska Native Ways of Knowing “While western science and educastion tend to emphasize compartmentalized knowledge which is often de-contextualized and taugh in the detached setting of a classroom or laboratory, indigenous people have traditionally acquired their knowledge through direct experience in the natural world. For them, the particulars come to be …

Howard Rheingold: Networked Knowledge & Combinatorial Creativity

This beautiful meditation on the networked nature of knowledge and collaboration turns on the fulcrum of attention to information. Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity How we choose to pay attention, and relate to information and each other shapes who we become, shapes our creative destiny and, in turn, shapes our experience of the world. And, …

Antechinus: EU Blocks Library Access to Knowledge — Refuses to Be Serious About Copyright Reform

EU blocks progress on international copyright reform for libraries (again) Once again, the European Union (EU) has blocked progress at the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR) that met in Geneva from 29 June-3 July 2015. And this time, the EU is more isolated. The Committee is discussing copyright …

Typer Neylon: Elsevier Loses Its Mind – Seeks to Embargo Knowledge for Four Years

Defend the Right to Share Your Work Academic publisher Elsevier recently changed their rules on how authors may share their work. Authors were previously allowed to share their manuscripts through repositories immediately upon publication; now they may have to wait up to 4 years before doing so. The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), a …

Nader Ale Ebrahim: Open Knowledge

The Future of Knowledge Sharing for Development in a Digital Age: Delivering an open and fair digital society. Rachel Playforth introduces a new report on how digital technologies might contribute to or damage development agendas in the coming years. Through scenario development planning, the project investigated the landscape of developing countries in the digital age and how …