SchwartzReport: Economic Inequality Far Worse Than Most Realize – Could Riots Ensue If Knowledge Catches Up?

Part of our social stability, I think, depends on the ignorance most people share about the true measure of economic inequality in the U.S.  A definition of the one per cent: “they have median annual household income of $750,000, median assets of $7.5 million, and there are 1.2 million of them across the country.”  That’s …

Collin Body of Knowledge Methods — Reflection, Connection, Creation, Collaboration

The Collin method enables people to excellarate (capabilities and knowledge) in very short time (months). Recently we succeeded in cooperating with several universities (Delft, Utrecht, Brussel). Firts project is about the potential of Collin itself. Since a month we are involved in an project called ‘rethinking systems engineering’ by INCOSE (international organisation of systems engineers). …

SchwartzReport: Science is Not About Certainty Rather About Most Reliable Way of Thinking at Present Level of Knowledge

This is a really excellent essay on the nature of science. Rovelli’s observation: “Science is not about certainty. Science is about finding the most reliable way of thinking at the present level of knowledge” is one of the most insightful things I have read about science in a decade. There are also very insightful comments …

Howard Rheingold: Tools for Consolidating & Accessing Personal Knowledge

This fellow is an infotention superstar. He understands that the tools he uses are means of augmenting his memory, an he knows how to connect tools such as IFTTT, Instapaper, and Evernote. I’m going to start adopting some of the methods Steve recommends. Consolidating Personal Knowledge “This post is the second in series on how …

Rickard Falkvinge: Charlie Shrem, From House Arrest, Earns Standing Ovation – Free Knowledge, Free the Market, Free the World!

Nothing New Under The Sun, Bitcoin Edition Cryptocurrency – Charlie Shrem:  I was invited to speak at Texas Bitcoin Conference in Austin this past week. Due to my house arrest, I’ve been largely staying low key but felt I needed to make a statement, a strong one. I asked Rick if I could use his …