REVIEW: The Divide – American Injustice in the Ago of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi

SUMMARY REVIEW Seven Stars Life Transformational — Sickening Detailed Account of Trillion Dollar Crimes by Bankers Ignored While Black and Latino Workers are Beaten Daily for Profit at the Bottom of the Injustice Pyramid Review by Robert David Steele I read this book on my way to and from Dimensions of Disclosure where I delivered …

Zero Hedge: Matt Taibbi — It’s Official – “Russiagate’ Lies Destroy Entire US Press Corps – This Is a Death Blow

Taibbi: It’s Official – ‘Russiagate’ Is This Generation’s WMD The Iraq war faceplant damaged the reputation of the press. Russiagate just destroyed it… Nobody wants to hear this, but news that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is headed home without issuing new charges is a death-blow for the reputation of the American news media. Nothing Trump …

Matt Taibbi: Censorship Does Not End Well

Taibbi: Censorship Does Not End Well How America learned to stop worrying and put Mark Zuckerberg in charge of everything Now the line is gone. Depending on the platform, one can be banned for “glorifying violence,” “sowing division,” “hateful conduct” or even “low quality,” with those terms defined by nameless, unaccountable executives, working with God …

Eagle: Matt Taibbi on Insider Lunatics

In Response to Trump, Another Dangerous Movement Appears Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone Now, the cover story in The Atlantic magazine features the most aggressive offering yet in an alarming series of intellectual-class jeremiads against the dangers of democracy. In “How American Politics Went Insane,” Brookings Institute Fellow Jonathan Rauch spends many thousands of words arguing …

Eagle: Matt Taibbi on Revenge of the Simple – How George W. Bush Gave Rise to Donald Trump

Revenge of the Simple: How George W. Bush Gave Rise to Trump Bush was just an appetizer — Trump would be the main course Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, 1 March 2016 Rove correctly guessed that a generation of watching TV and Hollywood movies left huge blocs of Americans convinced that people who read books, looked …