CounterPunch: Mike Whitney on Trump’s Triumph + Matt Taibbi & More

Trump’s Triumph: Billionaire Blowhard Exposes Fake Political System EXTRACT Moneybags capitalist loudmouth explains to 80 million dumbfounded Americans watching prime time TV, that the system is a total fraud, that the big money runs everything, and that even he thinks the system is broken. How do you beat that? Seriously, my wife and I were laughing …

Matt Taibbi: In the Age of Trump, Will Democrats Sell Out More, or Less?

In the Age of Trump, Will Democrats Sell Out More, Or Less? The collapse of the GOP gives the Democrats an opportunity to abandon “lesser evilism” — but they probably won’t EXTRACT The Democrats could take this godsend of a Trump situation and use it as an opportunity to finally have a healthy primary season …

SchwartzReport: Matt Taibbi on the Legal Divide — Two Justice Systems — Criminalization of Poverty Among the 99%, Impunity for the 1%

This is a very good interview with Matt Taibbi discussing what has happened to the American justice system. One of our myths is that we have the fairest justice system in the world but, like our fantasy that we have the world’s freest press, it is a delusion. As with the press we aren’t e! …

Eagle: Matt Taibbi on Bradley Manning Trial — Should Be About War Crimes By Others, Not Whistle-Blowing By One

As Bradley Manning Trial Begins, Press Predictably Misses the Point By Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone: June 6, 2013 EXTRACT You get the press and the rest of America following that bouncing ball, and the game’s over. Almost no matter what the outcome of the trial is, if you can convince the American people that this …

John Steiner: Matt Taibbi with Xmas Message from the Rich

A Christmas Message From America’s Rich Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone, 22 December 2011 It seems America’s bankers are tired of all the abuse. They’ve decided to speak out. True, they’re doing it from behind the ropeline, in front of friendly crowds at industry conferences and country clubs, meaning they don’t have to look the rest …