Yoda: Peer Review Stifles Innovation

Multi-part problem. Does the peer review process stifle scientific innovation? A new study suggests the current model may succeed in keeping out the scientific riff-raff, but its maintenance of the status quo comes with a drawback, the study’s authors argue — the regular rejection of cutting-edge work.

Hunter Newby: Infrastructure Peering — A Physical Layer Understanding of Net Neutrality

Hunter Newby is the CEO of Allied Fiber, a carrier neutral provider of dark fiber with a national footprint addressing the lack of accessible dark fiber in the market by making it available for long term lease. He is a twelve year veteran of the telecom networking industry and has built a depth of creative …

Jean Lievens: Bitcoin vs. Litecoin vs. Peercoin vs. Ripple vs. Namecoin

Bitcoin vs. Litecoin vs. Peercoin vs. Ripple vs. Namecoin While many are still being turned on to the perks of Bitcoin as a speculative asset, platform, and currency, there are other players in the game. Here is a brief look at how these cryptocurrencies stack up in terms of features. Also, if you’re interested in …

Jean Lievens: Peer Production Based on Commons & Possession Vice Property

Christian Siefkes: Peer Production is based on Possession, not Property “Peer production is based on commons and possession (not on property). Benkler talks about “commons-based peer production” to emphasize the important role of the commons (goods and resources without owners who can control how they can be used). Generally, commons such as free software and …

Jean Lievens: Essay of the Day: The Peer Production of Large-Scale Networked Protests

Essay of the Day: The Peer Production of Large-Scale Networked Protests * Special Journal Issue: Organization in the crowd: peer production in large-scale networked protests. By W. Lance Bennett, Alexandra Segerberg & Shawn Walker. Information, Communication & Society. Volume 17, Issue 2, 2014, pages 232-260. Special Issue: The Networked Young Citizen. From the Abstract: “How …

Jean Lievens: Article – Organization in the Crowd – peer production in large-scale networked protests

Organization in the crowd: peer production in large-scale networked protests W. Lance Bennetta*, Alexandra Segerbergb & Shawn Walkerc pages 232-260 Information, Communication & Society Volume 17, Issue 2, 2014 Special Issue: The Networked Young Citizen Abstract How is crowd organization produced? How are crowd-enabled networks activated, structured, and maintained in the absence of recognized leaders, common …