Seth Godin: Organization, Movement, or Philosophy?

Organization vs. movement vs. philosophy An organization uses structure and resources and power to make things happen. Organizations hire people, issue policies, buy things, erect buildings, earn market share and get things done. Your company is probably an organization. A movement has an emotional heart. A movement might use an organization, but it can replace …

Review (Guest): Biophilosophy–Analytic and Holistic Perspectives

Rolf Sattler 5.0 out of 5 stars The umbrella of things Sattler talk about in this book February 15, 2001 By m.ivashkou (Eindhoven, Brabant Netherlands) – See all my reviews In the introduction the complex approach is stressed. When someone is doing a research he should look at the system as a whole one. Some …

Reference: Religion, Science, & Philosophy

2012 is a year of awakening, and a year of convergence.  Inspired by two books by Capt Doug Johnston, USN (Ret), Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft (1995) and Faith-Based Diplomacy–Trumping Realpolitik (2003), our collective concept of public intelligence has treated faith as essential and integral to the advanced Information Operations (IO) Cube. Ref A:  …

Philosophy: Eye of the Needle, the Rich, & Community

Dear friends, Below are the final three relatively short articles I mentioned earlier this week in my “Rise and Role of Concentrated Wealth” post. 1.  Twenty-two Statistics That Prove The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America – 2.  A Modest Proposal to Transition to a “Cater to the Rich” …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Philosophy

Philosophy Review: On the Meaning of Life Review: Philosophy and the Social Problem–The Annotated Edition Review: Public Philosophy–Essays on Morality in Politics Review: The God Delusion Review: The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time Review: The Thirteen American Arguments–Enduring Debates That Define and Inspire Our Country