Matthew Ehret: Leibniz: Scientist, Sinophile and Bridge Between East and West

Leibniz: Scientist, Sinophile and Bridge Between East and West Many people would be surprised to discover that Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716), a German polymath and logician best known for his discovery of Calculus, was one of the most important sinophiles of the 17th century, whose writings were instrumental in bringing the idea of Chinese culture and …

Matt Ehret: A Journey with Jeff J. Brown Through China’s History, Political-economy and Culture

In our first official Rising Tide Foundation Podcast, Cynthia Chung and I had the good fortune to interview China Rising Radio’s Jeff J. Brown on all things China. In this extensive discussion, Jeff goes through the historic voyages of Admiral Zheng He generations before Columbus which brought commerce, culture and trade to Africa, Europe and …