Jean Lievens: Rights to Water and Land — the Next Global Revolution?

Rights to Water and Land, a Common Struggle The declaration on the rights to Water and Land, a Common Struggle, was originally presented at the World Social Forum in Tunis. To date, more than 200 million hectares of land have been grabbed globally by private firms, governments, elites and speculators, often with the support of …

Independent Voter Network: Voting Rights Under Attack — 2 Party Monopoly of Primaries Subverts All Other Parties and General Election

Voting Rights Have Been Under Attack; But Not How You Think Our American election system is broken in no small part thanks to the primary election system. The Republican and Democratic parties have worked hand-in-hand for over a century to make ‘their’ party primaries the centerpiece of the entire electoral process. In an age where …

Worth a Look: Rights at Risk

An enlightening, intensely researched examination of violations of the constitutional principles that preserve individual rights and civil liberties from courtrooms to classrooms. With telling anecdote and detail, Pulitzer Prize–winner David K. Shipler explores the territory where the Constitution meets everyday America, where legal compromises—before and since 9/11—have undermined the criminal justice system’s fairness, enhanced the …

Worth a Look: Local Community Bill of Rights

Local Bill of Rights and Responsibilities This Local Bill of Rights and Responsibilities Template forks and extends the CELDF’s Community Bill of Rights Template (.pdf). The Bill is an innovative legal framework to empower local governance, over one hundred municipal campaigns within the United States and been credited for stopping hydrofracking in several cities and …

Electronic Frontier Foundation: Human Rights Require a Secure Internet

Human Rights Require a Secure Internet Between 15th-19th of September, in the week leading up the first year anniversary of the 13 Necessary and Proportionate Principles, EFF and the coalition behind the Principles will be conducting a Week of Action explaining some of the key guiding principles for surveillance law reform. Every day, we’ll take …