Robert Steele: OSE Book Language Rights Now Mine, Seeking Publishers and Volunteers for All Languages

The below letter from North Atlantic Books reverts all foreign language rights less Rumanian back to me. The book is going to a second printing on the strength of The Guardian profile by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed, and it has been agreed that reverting the rights to me and going for foreign translations by volunteers — …

AVAILABLE: Translation Rights for Open Source Everything Manifesto

Doug Reil, leader of North Atlantic Books, publisher of THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth, & Trust (Evolver Editions, 2012) has agreed to revert all translation right back to the author. Chinese, French, and Spanish translations are under discussion, all under Creative Commons license, all using volunteers or state-funded translators.  I am seeking volunteers …

Review (Guest): The Tyranny of Experts – Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor

5.0 of 5.0 Stars Why development takes place (or doesn’t) By Mal Warwick on April 3, 2014 This book is full of surprises. In The Tyranny of Experts, the author of the seminal book The White Man’s Burden drills down into the history of economic development around the world in search of its causes. What …

Berto Jongman: Tim Berners-Lee Calls for Online Magna Carta – a Global Constitution and Universal Bill of Digital Rights

Web Inventor’s Bold Call: Time for ‘Online Magna Carta’ Tim Berners-Lee issues call for “a global constitution – a bill of rights” to defend digital rights – Andrea Germanos, staff writer As the World Wide Web celebrates its 25th anniversary Wednesday, Tim Berners-Lee, the man who invented the system, is calling for an online ‘Magna …

Rickard Falkvinge: File-Sharing Hunt Violates Human Rights (Per European Court)

Reminder 2: Hunt For File-Sharers Violates Fundamental Human Rights (Says The European Court Of Human Rights) Copyright Monopoly:  Happy Yule, everybody! In our series of reminders about important talkbacks, we’ve come to the reminder that the act of hunting for people who share culture and knowledge online violates their fundamental human rights, as doing so …

4th Media: Syria: Both The New York Times and Huma Rights Watch Wrong To Claim Chemical Attack Origin

Syria: Both The New York Times and Huma Rights Watch Wrong To Claim Chemical Attack Origin Human Rights Watch and the New York Times are trying to implicate the Syrian Arab Army in a chemical incident that happened on August 21 in Ghouta near Damascus. Using the report of an United Nations commission which investigated various sites …