Robin Good: Uberflip Web Publishing Curation Tool (Fee)

Uberflip is a new web publishing tool that allows a company to easily create a social hub populated with the most relevant content coming from their main media properties, including blogs, RSS feeds, social media channels, images and videos, presentations and PDF documents. Uberflip publishing metaphor is the “hub” in which, similarly to Rebelmouse and …

Robin Good: A Great Alternative to RebelMouse: Curate Your Social Media Hub with Pressly Tool

A Great Alternative to RebelMouse: Curate Your Social Media Hub with Pressly Pressly is a new web app which allows you to create a social hub, similar to what you can do with RebelMouse or Tint, where you can aggregate and curate your favorite content from your social media channels, web site as well as …

Robin Good: Curate Your Own Wiki-Guide with the Wikipedia Book Create Tool

Curate Your Own Wiki-Guide with the Wikipedia Book Create Tool Few people know that it is actually possible to curate Wikipedia content into custom print books or PDF / OpenDocument ebooks that contain exactly the content you want in the order you specify. Once you are logged into Wikipedia you simply activate the Book Creator …

Robin Good: Beyond Search to Content Curation Tools — 21 Evaluation Criteria

  Content Curation Tools Buyer’s Guide: 21 Criteria To Identify Your Ideal One From – January 21, 6:11 PM Nonetheless we are just at the beginning of a new era, in which content curation will be as important as search, there is already an apparent abundance of content curation tools of all kinds. Evaluating …