Eagle: Mitt Romney – Jeb Bush Deal on The Table

Jeb Bush: “I’d Consider the Vice Presidency.” WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says he’d consider running as vice president with Mitt Romney, but doubts he’ll ever be asked. Bush tells the conservative website Newsmax that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is “probably the best” choice to share the ticket with Romney, …

Eagle: Mitt Romney Almost Certainly Committed Voter Fraud in 2008 – Could This Be Ron Paul’s Ticket to the High Table?

Mitt faces up to 5 years in jail & $10,000 fine if he did not live in his son’s unfinished basement Last edited Tue Apr 17, 2012, 02:30 PM USA/ET – Edit history (3) Mitt Romney, guilty of voter fraud? Posted on April 17, 2012 Mitt Romney faces up to five years in jail and …

Richard Wright: Mitt Romney Partners with Goldman Sachs

Close Ties to Goldman Enrich Romney’s Public and Private Lives By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE, PETER LATTMAN and KEVIN ROOSE New York Times,  January 27, 2012 When Bain Capital sought to raise money in 1989 for a fast-growing office-supply company named Staples, Mitt Romney, Bain’s founder, called upon a trusted business partner: Goldman Sachs, whose bankers led …

Mini-Me: Economists Scoff at Obama, Romney Job-Creation Myths

Economists Scoff at Obama, Romney Job-Creation Myths: Ezra Klein Bloomberg, 11 January 2012 EXTRACT: Believing the Unbelievable To buy much of this requires you to hold deeply ridiculous beliefs about the American economy. You must believe that Obama bears responsibility for events that predate his presidency and deserves applause for the demand created by aging …

Marcus Aurelius: Romney Slams Obama, Postures At VMI

Romney Criticizes Obama at Military College This morning, Mitt Romney used his foreign policy address at the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina to criticize what he called the Obama administration’s “feckless policies of the last three years.” “I believe we are an exceptional country with a unique destiny and role in the world,” Romney said, …