Cinderella Broom: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Burying the Undead: Sandy Hook was Truly Stranger Than Fiction

Cinderella Broom: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Burying the Undead: Sandy Hook was Truly Stranger Than Fiction Mr. President: The story we’ve been told about Sandy Hook is so laden with anomalies, contradictions and absurdities that, were it proposed as a screenplay, producers would likely reject it as simply ridiculous. One aspect deserving more …

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Barack Obama paved the way for Sandy Hook by nullifying the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Barack Obama paved the way for Sandy Hook by nullifying the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 Mr. President, Under President Obama, a law was changed under the recent Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which effectively nullified the original 1948 act. The original prohibited U.S. organizations from using state …

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook had 2 Principals, 2 Schools Buildings but 0 CAPT Scores for 2009

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook had 2 Principals, 2 Schools Buildings but 0 CAPT Scores for 2009 Dear Mr. President, As the contributors to Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (2015) have established, the school was closed by 2008 and there were no students there. Further proof comes from the …

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Dead Sandy Hook Principal interviewed by The Newtown Bee

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Dead Sandy Hook Principal interviewed by The Newtown Bee Dear Mr. President, Among the most intriguing aspects of the elaborate hoax known as “Sandy Hook” was an interview that appeared in The Newtown Bee (14 December 2012), with the principal, Dawn Hochsprung, discussing the shooting. What …

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook Impostors seek Social Media Giants Protection for their Criminal Acts

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook Impostors seek Social Media Giants Protection for their Criminal Acts Mr. President, In an astonishing exhibition of chutzpah, fake Sandy Hook parent imposters are seeking protection from exposure on the fantastic ground they are being subjected to harassment and bullying, which, under the circumstances, is completely …

Dr. Eowyn: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence Sandy Hook was moving to Chalk Hill months before ‘massacre’

Dr. Eowyn: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence Sandy Hook was moving to Chalk Hill months before ‘massacre’ Mr. President, There are many signs pointing to Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) having been closed long before the alleged mass shooting on December 14, 2012, including:

Wolfgang Halbig: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — CT State Police gave False Affidavits about Entering Sandy Hook Elementary School

Wolfgang Halbig: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — CT State Police gave False Affidavits about Entering Sandy Hook Elementary School Mr. President, Here is a sample of the kind of information that I now have in my possession, which ought to justify calling a Grand Jury by the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut. …