Event: 19 July NYC HOPEX Ellsberg & Snowden Together

Edward Snowden will be participating in this year’s HOPE conference as part of a conversation with another world famous whistleblower: Daniel Ellsberg. It’s an historic event like no other we’ve ever had. This, our keynote event, will occur from 1300 on Saturday 19 July at the Hotel Pennsylvania in NYC. Snowden is, of course, still …

Hal Berghel: Comments on Intelligence Leadership, Moral Hazards, Manning, Snowden, & Wikileaks

Leadership Failures in the National Security Complex Current NSA forecast: continued Snowden flurries with no end in sight. No one blames the hardworking NSA employees for the latest series of gaffes: it’s the feckless leadership and the politics that got them there that are responsible for our current difficulties PDF (4 Pages): Hal on Leadership …

Mongoose: Snowden on US IC Security – Non-Existent – NSA Has No Idea What I Took and Zero Control Over Its Files

NBC News Exclusive with Brian Williams: Inside the Mind of Edward Snowden In a wide-ranging and revealing interview, Brian Williams talks with former NSA contractor Edward Snowden about the global impact and debate sparked by his revelations. EXTRACT: “I will say the 1.7 million documents figure that the intelligence community has been bandying—about—the director of …

Eben Moglen: Snowden and the Future + Moglen’s Written Manifesto on Secrecy & Privacy (Privacy is Citizen Secrecy)

October 9, October 30, November 13 and December 4; 2013. Columbia Law School in association with Software Freedom Law Center From approximately 17:11 in NSA Spying talk 3 of 4 by Prof. Eben Moglen, a presentation sponsored by the Software Freedom Law Center of the Columbia Law School. “The anonymity of reading is the central, …

Berto Jongman: Quantum Encryption NSA Proof? Plus 16 Disturbing Things Snowden Has Taught Us So Far…

Physicists are building an NSA-proof internet The next generation web — far more secure than today’s — is on the way. Here’s how it works. “This now works in the lab. It has even gone commercial: There is a small industry doing what is called quantum-key distribution…” Read full article. 16 disturbing things Snowden has …