Ray McGovern: Iran Is Not The Threat — Lies About Iran’s Sponsorship of Terrorism versus Zionist Terrorism Against Iran

MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Is Iran the “World’s Leading Sponsor of Terrorism?” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/BACKGROUND  We are concerned by recent strident and stark public statements from key members of your Administration that paint Iran in very alarmist terms. The average American, without the benefit of history, could easily be …

Nori Huddle: Assassination of NATO Chief Auditor to Conceal €250 Black Budget for NATO-Sponsored Terrorism — Media Black-Out Occurring by Design

Media blackout on death of NATO auditor – was he assassinated to cover-up NATO’s black budget? In the weeks leading up to his assassination, at the hands of top NATO officials themselves who ordered the job, Chandelon reportedly came in possession of additional dossiers that document supplementary details for the previously assumed €250 billion black …

Berto Jongman: Julian Assange – CIA (and Saudi Arabia) Created Islam Terrorism

‘CIA created ISIS’, says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases 500k US cables Mr Assange said a decision by the CIA, together with Saudi Arabia, to plough billions of dollars into arming the Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan to tackle the Soviet Union, had led to the creation of terror group al-Qaeda. This, in turn, he said …

Berto Jongman: Lessons Learned on Counter-Terrorism — A History of Failure

What lessons should be learnt from 15 years of counter-terror and stabilisation? By aiding and abetting abuse, corruption and bad governance in Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan, Western actors fell into the ‘stabilisation trap’: trading away a long-term focus on rights and governance for short-term stability – but ultimately guaranteeing abusive governance, chronic instability and deep …

Berto Jongman: CIA Case Officer on ISIS & Terrorism as Fraudulent Stories Designed to Foster War for Profit

CIA Agent: U.S. Government Feed Fake 9/11, ISIS Stories To Media She offers a comment on terrorism rhetoric which really stood out for me: “Those are stories manufactured by a really small number of people on both side that amass a great deal of power and wealth by convincing the rest of us to keep …