Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Business Intelligence Tools — Not There

Open Source Business Intelligence Tools: A Narrow View Last week, a person with considerable experience in business intelligence told me that interest in open source software applicable to intelligence purposes was evident in South America. I poked around and came across “5 Open Source business intelligence Tools.” I was hoping to learn about open source …

Micah Sifry: Progressive Activism Frustrated by Lack of Tools — And Refusal to Share…

Transparency, Big Data and Internet Activism Internet activism—and internet democracy—depend on accessible public meeting spaces online. So why are there so few of them? By Micah L. Sifry UTNE Reader, October 2014 Micah L. Sifry tackles the reasons progressive change has failed to manifest with the growth of the internet in The Big Disconnect (OR …

Howard Rheingold: Tools for Consolidating & Accessing Personal Knowledge

This fellow is an infotention superstar. He understands that the tools he uses are means of augmenting his memory, an he knows how to connect tools such as IFTTT, Instapaper, and Evernote. I’m going to start adopting some of the methods Steve recommends. Consolidating Personal Knowledge “This post is the second in series on how …

Howard Rheingold: Hacking RSS to Reduce Information Overload with Filtering Tools

Since Google ditched Google Reader, RSS has receded from many people’s awareness. Yet RSS and versatile RSS readers such as NetVibes continue to exist, and if you want to learn information skills to support attention skills, you can do no better than Dawn Foster, who can tell you simply and step-by-step how to arrange for …

Worth a Look: OpenEarth (Data, Models, Tools)

What is OpenEarth? OpenEarth is a free and open source initiative to deal with Data, Models and Tools in earth science & engineering projects, currently mainly marine & coastal. In current practice, research, consultancy and construction projects commonly spend a significant part of their budget to setup some basic infrastructure for data and knowledge management. …

Robin Good: Beth Kanter on Tools for Discovering Pearls

The Art of Discovering Pearls Inside the Sand: How, Tools and Skills Advice from Beth Kanter A good introductory article to content curation for organizations and non-profits. It provides good description of the purpose of content curation and of tools and key skills required. Beth Kanter, provides lots of good resources, tools and other articles …