James Bamford: NSA Leaker of NSA Cyber-Tools Declares War on Elite — Attacks on Digital Wealth Coming….

Commentary: Evidence points to another Snowden at the NSA The key paragraph: Then after what they call the “fun Cyber Weapons Auction” comes the real message, a serious threat. “We want make sure Wealthy Elite recognizes the danger [of] cyberweapons. Let us spell out for Elites. Your wealth and control depends on electronic data.” Now, …

Mongoose: Counterintelligence Failure — FBI Goes After Diplomat — Stupid Agents Using Stupid Tools

Stupidity, both technical and human, looms large in the US Government. When diplomats get punished for doing their jobs The threat that government surveillance and national-security investigations pose for private citizens has been hotly debated for the past decade. Less understood is the damage done to government officials themselves when they fall into the dragnet. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Analytics – Datameer Goverance Tools for Hadoop

Datameer: Action, Not Talk, about Data Governance A happy quack to Datameer. The company is providing tools to deal with issues related to data quality, compliance, and security. If you Hadoop, Datameer is taking action, not just talking with regard to Hadoop crunching. With “end users” fooling around with analytics, outputs can be exciting. Some …

CyberOSINT – New book by Stephen E. Arnold explores intelligence gathering tools for open-source content

New book by Stephen E. Arnold explores intelligence gathering tools for open-source content “CyberOSINT: Next-Generation Information Access” by Stephen E. Arnold examines advanced tools for law enforcement, security, military and intelligence uses. Read free portions here at Phi Beta Iota ROBERT STEELE: If you are a Contracting Officer or Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative, this book …

Robin Good Enhanced: Top Journalism Tools

This is a great curated collection of tools for journalists hand-picked by top communication and publishing professionals. Phi Beta Iota: This is so useful we have extracted all tools from all journalists and list and link them below the line. Categories include Cartography/Geospatial, Google Apps, Research, Smart Phone Apps, Twitter Apps, Workspace I – Apps, …